Interreg Alpine Space 2021-2027: esiti seconda call per progetti classici

Approvati 18 nuovi progetti classici dal Comitato di Programma

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Il Comitato del Programma Spazio Alpino riunitosi a Bled, in Slovenia, il 5 e il 6 Giugno, ha approvato il finanziamento dei seguenti 18 progetti “classici” per un budget complessivo di circa 33M€ di FESR:


A-DROP | Alpine DROught Prediction
ALPHA | Advancing 5th-Generation District Heating and Cooling Networks in Alpine Space
AlpsLife | Protect Alpine Life by monitoring and managing Alpine biodiversity for the future. “Observing globally, acting locally”
APOLLO | TerritoriAl corPOrate weLfare through digitaLization and cOoperation
ASTER | Alpine Solutions for the Transition of the textile and plastic Equipment industry and the harmonization of interregional 5R strategies
BAUALPS | Building circular in the alpine space
DEGREE4ALPS | DigitalisEd and GREEnmobility for ALPine Space communities
DiMark | Transnational Network for Linking Digital Earth Observation to Freshwater Markers for Better Understanding of Water-connected Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Prevention in Alpine Region
DIVERSE | Integration of bioDIVERSity conservation within bioEnergy production for a low-carbon energy mix in the Alpine region
HACK-IT-NET | Enabling an Alpine region Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork
LiveAlpsNature | Biodiversity protection through new and One-health-orientated tourism approaches in Alpine Protected Areas (APA) based on eco responsible visitor management and innovative communication
MARGIN | Managing Groundwater Sustainability in Urban Areas: Quantifying the vulnerability of groundwater quality & quantity to climate change and urbanisation, and developing adaptation measures for cities
RECENTRE | Support the green transformation of the Alpine manufacturing sector and the uptake of advanced technologies for the well-being of workers
RESPOnD | Climate resilient alpine wine orchards
SOIL:OurInvisibleAlly | Facilitating implementation of EU soil legislation in Alpine municipalities, thus seizing transnational knowledge, mutual learning & concrete, cross-sectoral implementation on local level
TIGER | FosTering ehealth and social Innovations as Game-changers in sEnior and Remote care
WATERWISE | Co-designing sustainable management solutions for resilient Alpine headwaters
Woolshed | A New Era for Alpine Wool

L’avvio dei progetti è previsto per il 01.07 o 01.09.2024 e i candidati selezionati saranno invitati al workshop “Get Started”, che si svolgerà il 24-25 giugno 2024 a Salisburgo in Austria.


La partecipazione italiana è particolarmente significativa: in tutti i 18 progetti approvati sono presenti partners italiani per un totale di 40 con ruolo di partner e 10 con ruolo di capofila.

Per ulteriori informazioni potete consultare il sito del Programma Spazio Alpino


Data di pubblicazione: 11/01/2024

Data ultima modifica: 10/06/2024